Baptist Links

Baptist Building CIO

Provides loans to any Baptist church for repairs and renovations, new buildings or extensions, or the purchase of buildings for church use.


Baptist Insurance

Provider of specialist insurance solutions for Baptist churches and communities since 1905.


Baptists Together Magazine

Baptists Together is the A4 magazine which is sent to church leaders three times a year (January, April and September).  It seeks to share a range of stories of how our Baptist family is serving God in mission and ministry, as well as giving you information about developments within our Union and challenging you in your own discipleship.


Baptists Together Pension Scheme


Baptist Voice

The talking newspaper for UK Baptists with sight loss.


Baptist World Alliance

The Baptist World Alliance is a worldwide alliance of Baptist churches and organisations formed in 1905.


Retired Baptist Ministers Housing Organisation (RBMHO)

An independent charity that exists to serve ministers who are coming to retirement and who are not in a position to provide housing for themselves.



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