Dear Friend
Lent has begun and we journey towards Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Through Lent we will be sharing thoughts on our Facebook and Instagram pages from various writers as well as they reflect on this season. You are welcome to share them with your church or use them personally.
Neil Jones, the minister at Barrow Baptist Church in Leicestershire is running the London Marathon this year in support of BMS World Mission. You can find out more and sponsor him here: LINK |
Baptist Assembly 2025 16th-17th May - West Bromwich Signup for Baptist Assembly is now open CLICK HERE FOR ALL INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER |
Praying Together 202523-30 March 2025 is being highlighted as a week of prayer for our Baptist family and it would be great if as many of our churches as possible could be praying as they gather throughout that week.On Tuesday 25th March at 7.30pm there will be a national streamed prayer time. CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK TO JOIN ON YOUTUBE |
On Thursday 27th March Fresh Streams are inviting us to join a day of Prayer and Fasting. |
There will be two national online prayer times at 9am and 4pm and an EMBA prayer time at 12 noon CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP AND GET THE PRAYER TIME LINKS Let's join together in prayer however we can and encourage others to pray too. |
SAFEGUARDING TRAINING Please ensure that you sign up online before attending Safeguarding Training. Spaces are often limited and we may have to turn you away if you have not signed up online. We now have new dates in the diary for Level 2 and Level 3 training. They are happening in Grimsby, Oadby, Hucknall and Oakham. |
Do you convene a Ministers Cluster in your area? The regional team would like to know what Clusters are meeting so they can let new ministers know that there are colleagues they can get together with for encouragement and prayer. Drop an email to and we will make a note of what's available. |
You can find copies of the newsletter on our website: |
Please forward this email to anyone in your church that might be interested to receive it. If you no longer have a role in your church and don't wish to receive the newsletter please email us at and we can remove you from the newsletter list. |
There are lots of events and activities happening this Spring in and around the EMBA. There's a few listed below but
Thursday 13th March 10am-2pm Melton Mowbray Baptist Church Rooted for Ministers The Whole Counsel of God: Preaching the Whole of the Bible and the Bible as a Whole with Rev Dr Steve Finamore CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO SIGN UP |
Thursday 17th April 10am-11.30am Online RBMN Lent Gathering "With Jesus in the Garden" Led by Rev Dr Peter Morden - Principal of Bristol Baptist College CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO SIGN UP |
Saturday 10th May 10am-2pm Bretton Baptist Church, Peterborough EMBA Youth and Childrens Workers Gathering Includes Youthscape Essentials Deep Dive |
Brothers In Christ Conferences in 2025 for your diary Saturday 7th June at Bretton Baptist Church PeterboroughSaturday 8th November at Melton Mowbray Baptist Church, Leicestershire Contact Sam@mmbc.orguk |
Refresh Women's Conferences in 2025 for your diary Saturday 5th April at Bretton Baptist Church, Peterborough.Saturday 20th September at Whetstone Baptist Church, Leicester CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO SIGN UP |
Saturday 14th June 10am-3.30pm
Kenny Henry (EMBA Safeguarding Lead) is now the primary contact for all EMBA safeguarding concerns and training enquiries.
Kenny holds a drop-in "Zoom Surgery" when you can chat with him about safeguarding matters. It's 6-7pm on the last Thursday of the month online. Contact Kenny for details and the link.
Baptists Together regularly produces great resources around safeguarding. Baptists Together regularly produces great resources around safeguarding. They have recently produced a 'Mental Health and Safeguarding Guide'
To contact Kenny, please email or call 07498 189 205.
Kenny's working hours are Weds 1-5pm, Thurs and Fri 9-5pm.
If any EMBA church would like to host a training, please CLICK HERE to go to the Safeguarding training page on the EMBA Website to find out what you need to provide. After remaining unchanged for many years, safeguarding training will be increasing from £10 to £15 per person per training from 01 January 2025 due to rising costs. If finance is an issue for your church, please contact your Regional Minister, as we wouldn't want the cost of training to prevent people from attending. You can now sign up directly for Safeguarding training on our website |
If you have any events happening at your church that might be of interest to the wider Association that you'd like us to include on our website, please get in touch with our Comms Lead Sarah Fegredo by email.
Job Vacancies
Details about vacancies in the EMBA and more widely can be found on the EMBA WEBSITE VACANCIES PAGE
Please have a look at your church's "spot" on the CHURCHES PAGE on our website and let us know if any contact info needs updating. It would help people to find you if there was a photo of your building and your website and/or contact email address. We know that the first contact many people have when looking for a church is their website so something that's easy to find helps. We can also add your social media info. Contact SARAH with any updates.
Please can we ask that if you are about to go on sabbatical, leave or holiday and want to pause the emails you receive from EMBA, please get in touch so that we can make the adjustments. We'd ask that you do not unsubscribe without speaking to us as this can cause problems with how the EMBA holds your information rather than just not receiving emails.
Please find the team's contact details here if you need to get in touch with anyone.