Jack Liquorish is our EMBA Home Mission Administrator who manages all Home Mission payments made by our churches.
For all Home Mission enquiries please email Jack
Donations by Standing Order
Where possible we would encourage churches to donate by standing order.
Home Mission payments are completely separate from all other EMBA payments so if you are wanting to set-up a Home Mission standing order please use the following bank details:
Bank: HSBC
Account Name: The Baptist Union of Great Britain
Sort Code: 40-19-35
Account Number: 81226789
Reference: the CURRENT name of your church
Alternatively please complete the standing order mandate form here and return FAO Jack Liquorish to the EMBA Office.
Donations by Cheque
If you wish to send a donation to Home Mission by cheque, please could you ensure this is made payable to ‘EMBA Home Mission’ and sent FAO Jack Liquorish via the EMBA Office.
Please could we encourage all churches, especially those giving by cheque, to make your payments as early in the year as you are able and by no later than 1st December for your donation to count for that year. For a large organisation like BUGB there is significant benefit in receiving money as soon as possible.